The beekeeping book guides you all the way from choosing and obtaining your bees, housing them and maintaining the hive through the year, to dealing with pests and diseases, and harvesting the honey. The honey book explains the remarkable powers of honey and features safe natural remedies and preparations, as well as beauty products, from scrubs and facial softeners to aromatic creams and lotions. It offers a fascinating insight into the dynamics of the unique bee community, with amazing pictures from inside the hive. It provides over 40 classic recipes that make the most of this nutritious ingredient in all kinds of delicious ways, from sweet-and-sour marinades to delectable honey pastries. It comes with over 675 beautiful photographs. With the current interest in beekeeping and its delicious end product, honey, this boxed book set is perfect for beekeepers and cooks. Advice is given on understanding the lifestyle of bees and the hierarchy in the hive, as well as every aspect of caring for bees, how to house them and maintain the hive, the plants and crops they need, and dealing with common problems and diseases.
As well as providing a fascinating history, the honey book features recipes for using honey in cooking, healing remedies, beauty care and household products. These captivating volumes will inspire both the cook and beekeeper to start a colony and harvest the products of the hive.
David Cramp is a very experienced beekeeper who writes extensively for the beekeeping and small farming press in the UK and USA. In New Zealand, he manages a 4,000-hive beekeeping operation specializing in pollination and manuka honey production. Jenni Fleetwood is a highly experienced food writer and editor. Whether at home or abroad, she loves sampling the local cuisine. She is a member of the Guild of Food Writers and the Society of Authors.